Creative Space by Intel

Accelerate Photo Discovery with AI using Excire Foto

Written by Staff | September 18, 2020 at 5:05 PM

It’s a challenge familiar to creators all around the world: how do I manage the large volumes of high-quality photographs and images that are essential to my work? To edit, store and share their photos across devices, many creators use Adobe Lightroom. But what do you do when you need to find a specific photo for a client quickly, or are trying to categorize hundreds of images from a photoshoot to meet a tight deadline?

Users of Lightroom know that – inevitably – uploading and processing photos can be time consuming. Enter Excire Foto, a powerful stand-alone application which scans photos as you upload them and tags them based on their key features.

In this video, Miho Birimisa, professional photographer and co-founder of Creative Studio Pavel Kaplun, will walk you step-by-step through how the application works.

Enhance your search capabilities

The AI-based features of Excire Foto enable creators to complete more advanced searches for photos at remarkable speed. When photos are added to an image catalogue, Excire Foto will add relevant tags, such as whether an image contains a person, city, street – or even something more unexpected, like a farm animal. But it will also go much more in-depth, identifying details such as whether the subject is looking face-on into the camera, if they have beard, or are wearing sunglasses. This allows creators to search for specific situations within images in a matter of seconds. With Excire Foto, it’s now possible to search for photos in which a specific person is smiling, for example. Imagine a wedding or a sports event at which you took thousands of pictures. How long would it take you to identify all photos showing the bride or all pictures showing a particular athlete? Excire Fotos knows the answer.

The power of AI on your workstation

Excire’s AI-based search function runs locally on PCs and laptops, so there’s no need for creators to upload photos to the cloud for analysis – a big time saver, especially when working remotely. By integrating with the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, Excire was able to increase the speed at which images are recognised.

The Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit helps a range of organizations like Excire to harness the full potential of AI and computer vision across a range of Intel® architectures. For creators, who typically deal with intensive, image-heavy files, this combination of Intel hardware and software capabilities can deliver game-changing outcomes.

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